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Multi-account support

Information for users with multiple accounts on Flowbox

Updated over 2 months ago

Flowbox offers multi-account support for your company's needs.

Once multi-account support has been set up, during the onboarding stage, you can log in to Flowbox and switch between accounts.

How to change account?

  1. Log into Flowbox.

  2. Click on the circle in the bottom-left corner.

  3. The 'Change Account' menu will open, and you can now select which account you want to access.

If you want to switch back later, just repeat the same steps as before and go back to your first account.

Multi-account support is based on your pricing plan. To activate this feature, please get in touch with your designated Customer Success Manager (CSM).

How to distribute content between accounts?

You can manually distribute posts to Static Flows from another account.

To do this:

  1. Click on a post to open the popup box.

  2. Select the ‘Manual distribution’ tab.

  3. Search your Flows by name.

  4. Click the ‘+’ icon to distribute the post to your desired Flows.

The post will now be distributed to your selected Flows and displayed on them once approved.

Instagram connection note: Unless the Instagram account that collected the post is also connected to the other Flowbox account, you won't be able to view the comments within the distributed Flows.

Tiktok connection note: TikTok connections are limited to one account per company. Due to provider permissions, you cannot connect multiple TikTok accounts to a single Flowbox account, nor can you connect the same TikTok account to two different Flowbox accounts.

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