Filters in your sources allow you to include or exclude posts that contain specific words, providing better control over the content you collect.
For example, it could be used to filter out hashtags or other keywords commonly used in junk posts, competing brands, or irrelevant posts.
How to add filters to your source?
1. Access your Flowbox dashboard and navigate to the 'Visual Marketing' section.
2. Click 'Flows' to view the list of your Flows.
3. Locate the Flow where you have set up the source, typically the Masterflow.
4. Click 'Settings' in the top right corner.
5. Click 'Sources' from the Setup section.
6. Choose the specific source to which you want to add a new filter.
7. Open the 'Filters' tab.
8. To include specific words in your filter: Enter the words you want to include in the first line. Press the 'Enter' key after adding each word.
9. To exclude specific words from your filter: Enter the words you want to exclude in the second line. Press the 'Enter' key after adding each word.
Filters can only consist of alphanumerical characters, including both Latin and non-Latin characters. When adding a hashtag, you can't include the '#' symbol, just enter the word itself.
After entering each new word, press the 'Enter' key to add it to the filters. Confirmed words will appear as bubbles, indicating successful entry. If a word does not appear as a bubble, it means the entry was not saved.
10. Once you have finished adding or modifying your filters, click 'Save & Close'.
These filters offer an effective way to refine the content you collect from your sources, ensuring that you gather the most relevant and valuable posts for your Flows.