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How to use filters in Moderate

Use filters to find your posts

Updated over a week ago

Using filters will help you find that one, or more, post(s) that you're looking for in Moderate.

When in a Flow, you can filter on certain attributes in the header:

  • Sources – i.e. show all posts collected from your designated Instagram hashtag.

  • Status – i.e. show all posts where the Rights Request is pending.

  • Tags – i.e. show all posts containing a custom tag.

  • Products – i.e. show all posts tagged with a specific product.

To access the filters

  1. Log into your Flowbox account and select your Flow.

  2. In the header menu, you will see the filter options as individual drop-down menus.

  3. Select your filter.

  4. The search results will update.

You can only apply one filter at a time.

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