Rights Request & Legal page

Send requests and gain rights to use your customers’ content

Written by Sandra Vinsa
Updated over a week ago

We strongly recommend sending Rights Requests to your users to ask permission before using their content. We've set up our system to allow you to do this and to easily manage the process.

You can see our step-by-step guide to sending Rights Requests here.

The Rights Request feature is only available for posts collected from Instagram.

Create a template

First, you need to create a Rights Request template.

How to create a template

1. In Flowbox, click on the 'Engage' menu.

2. Select 'My Templates'.

3. Click on 'Create Template'.

4. Select your template type, for example 'Rights Request' and give your template a name, then click on 'Next'.

5. Set a Key Hashtag. The key hashtag is the keyword that we need in order to retrieve the reply from the user (for example #YesCompany). Once Flowbox has found the key hashtag, the status changes from "pending" to "author replied" or "granted".

6. Specify your message/comment. This could be something like "Hi! We love your picture! Can we use it in our marketing? If yes, reply with #keyhashtag." Make sure to include your key hashtag in the message.

7. Optional: Want the post to be automatically approved once the Rights Request has been granted? Switch the 'Auto-Approve' toggle on.

8. Click on 'Save & Close' and you're done!

Send your Rights Requests

The next step is to send the Rights Request. There are two options: either an Automatic Rights Request or a Manual Rights Request.

1. Automatic Rights Request: Posts collected via Mention

Depending on whether the post has been collected via a mention or not, you can send the Rights Request directly in Flowbox without opening the post in Instagram. Otherwise, you will have to send a Manual Rights Request. This is due to Instagram's API.

Note: The mention needs to be in the post's caption, in order for automatic Rights Request to work. If it's only in a comment, then you will need to send a manual Rights Request (described below).

1. In Flowbox, click on the 'Moderate' menu.

2. Click on your Flow, then select the individual post that you want to send a Rights Request to.

3. Click on the hammer icon in the bottom-right corner to open the Rights Request menu.

4. Select the template you want (i.e. Rights Request - English).

5. Click on 'Send' and you're done. 🎊

2. Manual Rights Request: Posts collected via other sources (hashtag, photo tag)

If the post has been collected via a hashtag or photo tag, you will have to send a Manual Rights Request. This is due to Instagram's API.

1. In Flowbox, click on the 'Moderate' menu.

2. Click on your Flow, then select the individual post you want to send a Rights Request to.

3. Click on the hammer icon in the bottom right-hand corner to open the Rights Request menu.

4. You will see the text 'Automatic Rights Request unavailable for this post', which means you will have to send a Manual Rights Request.

5. Click on 'Manual Rights Request' and a new Manual Rights Request menu will open.

7. Select your template.

8. Copy it to the clipboard.

9. Click on 'View post' to view the original post on Instagram.

10. You can now paste your Rights Request as a comment on the original post.

11. Check the 'Auto-Approve' button if you want the post to be automatically approved when the user has answered with the key-hashtag.

12. Click on 'Request Posted' and you're done. 🎊

Post without a username

If the username is not displayed in a post, it has been collected by a hashtag source. When the user replies to your Rights Request, the username will be shown. This is due to Instagram's API regulations.

Understanding Rights Request statuses

  • Pending 📤 The request has been sent out, awaiting a reply.

  • Author Replied 📥 The user has answered but they have not replied with the key hashtag.

  • Granted ✅ The user has replied to the Rights Request with the key hashtag.

  • Declined 🚫 The post has not been replied to with the keyword within 14 days.

Posts in Flowbox are always displayed in order of 'most recent' unless you have enabled our AI algorithm Flowscore to automatically sort content based on engagement.

As an example - you see 2 posts in your inbox, Post A and Post B.

  • Post A was originally posted online yesterday.

  • Post B was shared online in the last hour.

You send Rights Requests to both posts. Assuming both say #Yes, even if Post A replies after Post B, Post B will always show up first in your Flow(s).


FAQ: Do you have a privacy policy that we can send to customers in our social media community that specifies how their personal data, images, and videos will be used?
Flowbox does not offer a standard template, because ultimately these terms & conditions need to come from your organization, and you are responsible for upholding them.

In your Rights Request template, we recommend to mention where exactly you can find the information for the terms and conditions or legal page in your website. Please avoid adding the URL or any other link in the Right Request template, Instagram no longer supports any kind of URLs.

However, we can share these examples:

If you want inspiration on how you can phrase your Rights Request templates, check out #yesCasall, #yesRoyalDesign and #yesFootway directly on Instagram and the posts comment sections to see various examples.

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