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Visual Marketing - FAQs

Some of our most frequently asked questions

Updated over 3 years ago


Is it possible to convert images to WebP or AVIF format instead of jpeg?

We are pleased to announce that we are now offering responsive, optimized images throughout our Flows. Images are now served, lazy loaded and in the modern webP format. This means that they are optimized to serve the best size for your customers' device type, screen size, and resolution. You can read more about how we're optimizing Flows here.

How do I avoid duplicate posts being collected in Flowbox?

In order to avoid duplicates in the system, we recommend only connecting a source to one Flow, such as your Masterflow, and then distributing the posts to other Flows.

Do YouTube videos autoplay in a Flow?

Unfortunately, Youtube videos cannot be set to autoplay in a Flow.

I'm unable to add a new source to Flowbox, what can I do?

If you are seeing an error message when trying to add a new source, it is possible that you have reached your maximum. The amount of sources available to collect from is based on your pricing plan. If you want to add this more sources, get in touch to discuss upgrade options.

Why didn't my Rights Request go through, even though the customer replied with my hashtag?

This could be due to a few different things. Firstly, double-check that your Instagram account hasn't been disconnected. If it has been, you will need to reconnect it and then manually approve this post.

If the post has been 'pending' for too long, then Flowbox will delete the post.

It is our recommendation to include both a hashtag and a @mention in your Rights Request message, in order for the content to be collected.

I collected an Instagram post via a Mention source, but I can't send an automatic Rights Request, why is that?

The mention needs to be in the original post's caption in order for the automatic Rights Request feature to work. If the mention is in a comment, then it will still be collected in Flowbox but you will need to send a manual Rights Request.

The Rights Request function isn't working in Chrome, what can I do?

If the Rights Request isn't automatically showing in the comment field, you may need to paste it in. Press 'CTRL+V' (or '⌘+V' for Mac) and the text should now appear.
You can read more in this article.

If I send multiple Rights Requests at once, how will I know which order they will show up in?

Posts in Flowbox are always displayed in order of 'most recent' unless you have enabled our AI algorithm Flowscore to automatically sort content based on engagement.

As an example - you see 2 posts in your inbox, Post A and Post B.

  • Post A was originally posted online yesterday.

  • Post B was shared online in the last hour.

You send Rights Requests to both posts. Assuming both say #Yes, even if Post A replies after Post B, Post B will always show up first in your Flow(s).


Can I link Flowbox to my Google Analytics account?

Unfortunately, Flowbox is not integrated with Google Analytics.


Does Flowbox support commas in pricing, for example, we list our prices as €11,44 not €11.44?

Yes! The price is passed as a string from the backend. The Format Currency function displays the price in whatever format it has been designated in the backend.

How often is the Product Catalog updated?

Catalogs are automatically updated 4-6 times per day by Flowbox, which ensures your stock is always up-to-date. You can always log into Flowbox and manually update your catalog whenever you want.

How can I update/change my product identifiers?
If you want to change your product identifier (you can change any identifier, for example, Product Id to GTIN) without losing your tagged posts or having to delete and re-upload your product catalog, you will need to contact your Client Success Manager and send them an updated CSV file. You will need to add two new columns with your old and new product identifier in your CSV file. Then your Client Success Manager will import the new feed in the backend and the changes should be promptly reflected in the system.

What happens to posts that are tagged with products that get deleted from a catalog?

As the product catalog is automatically updated on a regular basis, Flowbox will keep track of which products get deleted from your feed. In order to ensure that you don't lose any data, deleted products will not be removed from tagged posts but will instead show up as out-of-stock. This means that, should you carry this product again, all the tagged posts in your Flowbox library will be available to distribute again.

You can easily edit the settings in your Flow to hide out-of-stock products so that they do not show up in the Flow.

Why can't I select "out of stock" products when tagging content?

Product data are imported into Flowbox even if they have the value ‘out of stock’ in the availability field. If you are using a feed provider, make sure they don’t have a rule in the system that excludes out-of-stock products.

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