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Setting up Email Assets in Klaviyo
Updated over a week ago

For all you Klaviyo users, this guide will show you how to embed your Flowbox Email Assets in your emails to enhance your personalized, product-specific email campaigns.

First of all, if you're not familiar with how to set up an Email Asset, it's a good idea to read this general article first.

Once your email asset is created in Flowbox, you can now log into Klaviyo and input the links. In this example, we’ll be showing you how to embed your assets in an Abandoned Cart email.

When you log in to Klaviyo, you first need to go into an existing template or to create a new automation flow, in this case, an abandoned cart sequence. You’ll want to select your trigger, a waiting period, and then your email draft.

Find your product identifier

Next, open up to edit your email draft. Click to preview your scenario and select a recent abandoned cart event.

Click on your scenario to see detailed event variables. You want to find the product ID or SKU, and make sure to cross-reference this to your product catalog so that you are picking the correct ID.

Once you have the identifier you can add this to the ‘ESP’ section in Flowbox. You will only need to find and add this information once.

You now have two options on how to add your Flowbox asset content into your abandoned cart template.

Placeholder image block

1. To add a placeholder image block, simply click the ‘Blocks’ menu and select and drag ‘Image’ to your email template.

2. Click on ‘Import from URL’.

3. Select ‘Placeholder’. (Note this will not display any content in your email template until you open up a preview mode).

4. Then add your image URL from Flowbox, and make sure it includes the identifier information.

5. Click ‘save’ and then add your Email Asset link in the ‘image settings’ on the right hand side.

6. You can now repeat the same steps for your other Email Assets, and drag and drop more placeholder images in your email template.

Text block

1. To add a text image block, simply click the ‘Blocks’ menu and select and drag ‘Text’ to your email template.

2. Click on ‘Image’ to add an image to this text block. Unlike the placeholder option, if you add your assets in a text block this way, they will be filled with fallback content so that you can see how it will look.

3. Add the image link and the product link, and then click on ‘OK’.

4. You can now repeat the same steps for your other Email Assets, and either add them to the same text block or add new ones.

5. And remember, you can always click on ‘Source’ for your text block and directly edit the HTML code for custom styling if you wish.

Preview and test

Once your template is set up, you can preview and select different events to preview your email and Flowbox Email Assets.

We also strongly recommend testing your abandoned cart email, you can find the instructions here.

Flowbox Email Assets work well in abandoned cart emails, but can also be used to enrich other campaigns including abandoned browse, order confirmation, complete the look, etc.

Further reading

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