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Quality Rate introduction

Simplify content moderation with Quality Rate feature

Updated over 8 months ago

Moderating your content just got easier with our Quality Rate feature. Here's an overview of it and how it works:

What is Quality Rate?

Quality rate is a tool designed to assess the aesthetics and technical quality of user generated photos captured by both a professional camera and a smartphone. Our pre-trained model with a database comprising over 340,000 Instagram images assigns a media score ranging from 1 to 100:

  • 0-20: Very poor quality photos characterized by unbalanced composition, lack of focus, and overexposure. It includes images that are excessively blurred, screenshots of text messages, and unappealing collages

  • 20-40: Classifies the media as "Poor", everyday snapshots. These photos primitively capture the surrounding reality and have a low technical quality.

  • 40-60: Constitutes average-quality photos, typical of Instagram user content. While some effort may be apparent, they do not have the same quality as professional photos.

  • 60-80: Represents good quality images, those found in the portfolios of Instagram “influencers”. These are staged photographs exhibiting deliberate composition, filtered or retouched for aesthetic appeal.

  • 80-100: Excellent quality images akin to professional-grade photography

What can you do with Quality Rate?

With the Quality Rate feature, Flowbox empowers you to sort content based on image quality from highest to lowest and lowest to highest, facilitating easy identification of images suitable for your audience, as well as those of inferior quality.

Sorting content by Quality Rate

  1. Log into Flowbox, and in the Visual Marketing section go into a Flow’s inbox, approved or rejected box.

  2. In the top left-hand corner, you can see the ‘Sort by’ drop-down menu. Select Sort by rate “Highest to Lowest” or “Lowest to Highest”.

Pro-tip: To approve or bulk reject content, select all your posts and then click on approve / reject in the bottom right-hand corner.

How to activate Quality Rate?

Quality Rate is a feature included in all Flowbox premium plans and is offered as an add-on service for growth and advanced packages. To activate it, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM). Once enabled, both existing and newly collected content will be rated.

We always recommend combining the Quality Rate with other search queries. You can, for example, search for ‘hat’ and sort by Quality Rate to ensure you quickly pull up your best hat-related content. Flowbox makes it easy for you to stay on top of all your content and moderate it.

Further reading

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