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How to tag posts

How to tag posts in Flowbox

Updated over a week ago

By adding tags to your posts, you will simplify your content management and ensure that your posts are automatically displayed in all relevant Dynamic Tag Flows.

Tag a specific post

  1. Log into Flowbox and open your Masterflow.

  2. Click on the post that you want to tag.

  3. Click on the tag icon in the top-right corner.

  4. Search for your tag name or create a new one.

  5. Add as many tags as you wish.

Once approved, your post will be displayed on your website pages, which include the tags property defined during implementation.

To see these steps in action, take a look at the video below.

Tag multiple posts at one time

  1. In your Masterflow inbox, select multiple posts by clicking the checkbox in the bottom-left corner of each post.

  2. A purple bar will appear at the bottom of your screen, enabling you to add ‘Tags’.

  3. Search for your tag name or create a new one.

  4. Add as many tags as you wish.

  5. Click on the 'Save changes' button.

All selected posts will be displayed, once approved, on your website pages and will include the tags property defined during implementation.

Auto-tag posts by username

The auto-tagging by username feature in Flowbox automatically adds the username of the whitelisted Instagram account as tags to their posts. This makes it easier to organise content and set up dynamic tag flows for showcasing specific content creators or influencers.

Once you've added your whitelisted users and you tag posts with their usernames, you can create a Dynamic Tag Flow based on influencers/content creators, like how fashion brand ZEB has done with their #ZEBSquad.

To activate this feature, please get in touch with your designated Customer Success Manager (CSM).

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